有益探索 [新时期建筑结构设计的有益探索] 摘要:建筑结构设计是一项长期而复杂的课题,一直伴随着建筑的产生与发展,如果这项工作做不好,会直接影响到建筑的质量与使用寿命,本文就地基、构造柱、框架梁、楼板等几个方面提出了一些小的建议。 关键词:建筑结构;结构设计;有益探索 Abstract: the design of the building structure is a long and complex subject, has been accompanied by building production and the development, if the work is bad, will directly affect the quality of the construction and service life, this paper foundation, constructional column, frame beams, floor and so on to puts forward a few Suggestions. Keywords: building structure; Structure design; Helpful exploration 中图分类号:S611文献标识码:A 文章编号: 建筑结构设计始于建筑规划开始之时,贯穿于建筑施工的全过程,其作用不容忽视,我们一方面要强调设计施