AAL5 : ATM 适应层 5( ATM Adaptation Layer 5) ADSL :非对称数字用户环线( Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ) AES :高级加密标准( Advanced Encryption Standard ) AIFS :仲裁帧间空间( Arbitration InterFrame Space ) AIMD :加法递增乘法递减( Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease ) AJAX :异步 JavaScript 和 XML ( Asynchronous JAvascript and Xml ) AP :接入点( Access Point ) APSD :自动省电交付( Automatic Power Save Delivery ) ARP :地址解析协议( Address Resolution Protocol ) ARQ :自动重复请求( Automatic Repeat reQuest ) AS :自治系统( Autonomous System ) ASK :幅移键控( Amplitude Shift Keying ) ATM :异步传输模式( Asymmetric Transfer Mode ) BGP :边界网关协议( Border Gaterway Protocol ) BPSK :二进制相移键控( Binary Phase Shift Keying ) CAPTCHA :完全自动图灵测试( Completely Automated Public Turing test to puters and Humans Apart ) CCK :补码键控( Complementary Code Keying ) CDMA :码分多址( Code Division Multiple Access ) CDM :码分复用( Code Division Multiplexing ) CEI :企业自我指示器( Corporate Ego Indicator ) CFI :规范格式指示器( Canonical Format Indicator ) CGI :公共网关接口( Common Gateway Interface ) CIDR :无类域间路由( Classless Inter-Domain Routing ) CRC :循环冗余校验码(多项式编码)( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) CSS :层叠样式表( Cascading Style Sheets ) CWR :拥塞窗口减少( Congestion Window Reduced ) DAG :有向无环图( Directed Acyclic Graph ) DCCP :数据报拥塞控制协议( Datagram Congestion Controlled Protocol ) DCF :分布式协调功能( Distributed Coordination Function ) DHCP :动态主机配置协议( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) DNS :域名系统( Domain Name System ) DOM :文档对象模型(
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