冠心病患者心肺功能指标测定的临床意义:肺功能指标及临床意义 中图分类号: 文献标 识码:A 文章编号:1009_816X(2010)06_0418_03 DOI:.:肺功能指标及临床意义 中图分类号: 文献标 识码:A 文章编号:1009_816X(2010)06_0418_03 DOI:. The Difference of Cardiopulmonary Indexes between Coronary Heart Disease and Non _coronary Heart Disease. XU jian, ZHOU Zhan_lin, WANG Ning_fu, et al, Department of Cardiology, the FirstPeople"s Hospital of Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China [Abstract] ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to estimate the utility of ki netics of oxygen uptake (VO2), anaerobic threshold (AT) and cardiopulmonary fu nctional capacity during the exercise test in the assessment of patients with su spectable graded exercise tests with gas analysis 、coro nary angiography were conducted on sixty_eight patients with angina. According t o the result of coronary angiography, 68 patients were divided into coronary hea rt disease group (39 cases) and non_coronary heart disease group (29 cases). Th e difference of cardiopulmonary functions between two groups was Compared with non_coronary heart disease group, coronary heart disease grou p showed statistical significance in VO2 peak[(±)vs(