播种期和种植密度对镇麦168产量与品质的影响.pdf201426(4)1013 Jiangxi 168 蔡金华,陈爱大 涨鹆甑厍蚪┮悼蒲а芯克站淙 摘要:为了探明小麦产量与品质协同提高的最佳播种时期和种植密度,制定合理的栽培措施,为实现高产、优质提供 1683(1020103011 日个种植密度、、蛎纾痟暄芯苛瞬ブ制诤椭种裁芏榷哉蚵籽粒产量与品 168(1030)"-3270 万苗/保蚜2看镒畲笾怠U蚵的穗数随播种期的推迟而下降,但随种植密度的增加而增加;穗粒数和千粒重 168 和湿面筋含量随种植密度的增加呈先下降后升高的趋势,面团形成时间和稳定时间随种植密度的增加而缩短。 关键词:小麦;播种期;种植密度;产量;品质 中图分类号:.南妆曛韭耄篈文章编号:——— Effects and Density Yield and Quality Wheat Variety Zhenmai 168 CAI 猦, — Institute Hilly JiangsuJurong, : order explore the and density for the coordinated improvement wheat yield and qualitytoformulate wheat cultivation 畇℃琣 provide theoretical basis for the — and — cultivation 瑃 studied the effects different dates(October 20thOctober, , seedlings per the grain yield and quality wheat variety Zhenmai 168 the field 20102012Theresults indicated the grain yield Zhenmai 168 October Was the 琤 significantly Zhenmai 168 October . density was 2700000 seedlings per 畉 grain yield reached the maximum 甌 spike Zhenmai 168 decreased the delay datebutincreased the 甌 grain per spike and 1000grain Zhenmai 168 October the 琤 tlley reduced the 甌 protein and wet the Zhenmai 168 significantly increased the dateand first and formation and density 甌 stability paste density in- creased Key 篧; ; densityYieldQuality 小麦的产量和品质不仅取决于品种的遗传特性, 小麦籽粒品质影响的研究结果也不尽一致。种植密度 而且受生态环境和栽培技术的影响。播种期和种植密对小麦的生长和籽粒产量有明显调控作用。适当增加 度是小麦的两项重要栽培技术,也是影响小麦群体性种植密度有利于提高单位面积的穗数