播期和种植密度对镇麦168籽粒产量与品质的调控效应.pdf(JiangsuofAgrSci)201430(1)913 9 ://甁甤 陈爱大,蔡金华,温明星,,,— 痡.. 168 陈爱大, 蔡金华, 温明星, 李东升, 曲朝喜 涨鹆甑厍蚪┮悼蒲а芯克站淙 摘要: 为确定江苏淮南地区小麦优质高产栽培的适宜播种期和种植密度,选用红皮高产强筋小麦品种镇麦 **********、月日霾テ诤 hm2 .、。、 个种植密度,研究播期和种植密度对镇麦蚜2坑肫分实挠跋臁=峁砻鳎赫蚵的籽粒产量以 (103013)(1020)(1115)85114401 hm2 缡保蚜2看镒畲笾怠U蚵的穗数随播期的推迟而下降,但随种植密度的增加而增加;穗粒 168 含量以及改善面团流变学特性,籽粒蛋白质和湿面筋含量随种植密度的增加呈先下降后升高的趋势,增加种植密 1681030 1hm2 270x106 关键词:小麦;播期;种植密度;产量;品质 $512104A1000-4440(2014)01-0009-05 Effects dates and densities grain yield and quality wheat Zhenmai 168 Ai-da CAI Jin-hua WEN —, , — Institute off^e — Hilly , , : and density are key factors for wheat(nitucum — . order out the appropriate and density for yield and quality the southem 瑃 wheat 琙 168 red and was . 琌 and densities(180x106225x106270x106and 106 seedlings per hm)were甌 results the yield reached the the 30) which was .% those early(October late(November 15)sowing daterespectivelyThe plant density the highest grain yield was 106 per 甌 decreased the delay — and increased the densityBoth per spike and 1 籫 the highest the datebut the densityLate 甶 increased grain protein and wet 琣 the dough rheological propertiesGrainprotein and wet content decreased first and increased the densityIncreasing density brought the dough water and softening . studyasfar the grain yield and 收稿日期: quality factors conce