国际眼科杂志摇 2013 年 5 月摇第 13 卷摇第 5 期摇 www. ies. net. cn 电话:029鄄82245172摇摇 82210956摇摇电子信箱:IJO. 2000@ 163. com ·临床报告· 视觉生理性手指操对青少年近视防控作用的临床观察 何碧华,韦丽娇,谢祥勇 基金项目:广西医疗卫生科研课题 0. 05 . There were 10 exophoria patients implicit gradient (No. Z2011250) ) 作者单位中国广西壮族自治区南宁市广西中医药大 has improved. There were 2 original no heterophoria :(530011) , 学附属瑞康医院视光中心 patients occur esophoria. The control group did not 作者简介何碧华女主治医师研究方向眼视光学 appear exophoria patients implicit gradient improvement : , , , : 。 通讯作者谢祥勇副主任医师副教授硕士研究生导师研究 nor esophoria patients. : , , , , 方向眼视光学 CONCLUSION The visual physiological finger exercise : . gxxxy126@ 126. com 誗: 收稿日期修回日期 can prevent and control teenage myopia and at the same : 2012-12-12 摇摇: 2013-04-23 , time can be improved to some extent exophoria. KEYWORDS myopia finger exercise teenage Clinical observation on the efficacy of 誗: ; ; prevention and control teenage myopia Citation with the visual physiological :He BH, Wei LJ, Xie XY. Clinical observation on the efficacy of prevention and control teenage myopia with the visual finger exercise Guoji Yanke Zazhi Int Eye Sci physiological finger exercise. ( ) 2013; 13(5):1058-1060 Bi-Hua He Li-Jiao Wei Xiang-Yong Xie , , 摘要 Foundation item 目的:探讨视觉生理性手指操对预防青少年近视及控制发 : Scientific Research Project of Guangxi Medical 展的作用 Health, China(No. Z2011250) 。 方法:选择散瞳检查为低度近视或视力正常基本无生理 Op