英语0821 郭蕾 0830307120 The Marketing Theory of 4P Marketing-mix models Ⅰ.What is 4Ps ? Price:what is the highest amount that the custmoer will pay for the product or service . Product:what you are trying to sell to the custmoer.
Place: where the customer can get the product.
Promotion: the method in which the customer will gain knowledge about the product and be persuaded. PRICE List price; Discounts; Financing; Leasing options; Allowance. PRODUCT Functionality; Quality; Appearance; Packaging; Brand; Service; Support; Waranty. PROMOTION Advertising; Public relations; Massage; Direct sales; Sales media; Budge. Case study——Coca-Cola 4Ps of Coca-Cola'panies The prices of the Coca-Cola'panies products vary according to the brand and the size in which e in The Coca-pany's products are sold by a wide variety of distributors and retail stores, such as convenient stores and gas stations, as well as vending machines price tretage: 4Ps of Coca-Cola'panies The distributors and retail stores that the Coca-pany deals with often implement their own pricing strategy. Gas stations and convenient stores usually sell Coca-Cola products at a fixed price. However, the retail outlets use a variety of pricing methods and strategies when selling Coca-Cola products .