基于计算智能的 UWB 系统发射与检测技术研究 Secondly, based on the use of an putation algorithm – PSO, it aids global optimization of the transmittion pulse and redesign of a UWB pulse transmitter. Finally, the simulation of waveform generated via interference noise on the pulse and circuit experiment facilitate the generalized applications for product demands. Thereby it speeds up the pace of molding UWB transmitter circuit. 3. Study on UWB multiple transmitter multiple receivers A UWB multiple transmitter multiple receiver system must satisfy requirements munication quality and rate. Besides it has to be adapted to the capacity under different channel conditions. However, these goals often conflict with each other. In the thesis, machine learning and improved PSO algorithm are utilized for searching the suboptimal solution or global optimal solution. Lastly, a global distribution optimized programming model is established for the good of effective UWB multiple transmitter multiple receiver system. 4 .Multi-user detection optimization technology based putational intelligence plexity of a sub-optimal multiuser detector is studied in this chapter. Then an investigation is conducted into multi-user detection method based on quantum discrete particle swarm optimization bined with ultra-munication technologies. By means of MATLAB, simulation paring the performance of the algorithm reveals that this scheme can alleviate multiple access interference and increase the probability of correct decisions for the purpose of reducing the system bit error rate. KEY WORDS: Computational intelligent, waveform circuit design, UWB system, Multi-transmitter multi-receiver, Multiuser detection technology iv 原创性声明 本人郑重声明g ft导师指导下. j革中t研究τ: ,本学位论文的研究成果不包含任何他人创作的、 文所涉及的研究工作做 1m贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标 明。, '飞 L启 学位论文作省籍名 z a「电 Ul!J1: ).A1 t' →【毡,。 关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明 本人完全了解何 t UI大学关于收集、保存、 z 按照学校爱求提交学位论