Subject : Realization and Verification of Discrete Cosine Transform based on VC-1 Video Standard Specialty :Microelectronics and solid-state electronics Name : Tang Fei-jun (Signature) Instructor : Xu Da-lin (Signature) ABSTRACT In recent years, munications and the has e the fastest-growing and the most attractive prospects businesses. Their growth rate has not been anticipated. There are massive video need to process and storage in the mobile . The demand of video processing capability of the mobile terminal such as mobile phone is increasing day by day. Microsoft's high-definition video standard VC-bines the advantages of the MPEG and , has very outstanding performance. This article is aimed to design an IP soft-core with VC-1 integer DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). There are two aspects of work: one is the integer DCT algorithm analysis and IP soft-core design; the other is FPGA verification of the integer DCT IP core. The structure and characteristics of the 8 × 8 and 4 × 4 integer DCT matrix are studied, and then are extended to 8 × 4 and 4 × 8 DCT. The replaced by addition and arithmetic bit shift operator in matrix transformation. On this basis, the 2 - dimensional integer DCT transform hardware architecture based on the ranks of the separation program. The hardware structure which implements 2-dimensional integer DCT through RCM is analyzed. The RTL code based on VC-1 integer DCT pleted with Verilog HDL and simulated by Cadence NC-Verilog simulator. The simulation results demonstrate the correctness of the design features. Finally, the 2-dimensional integer DCT IP soft core are verified in FPGA. The research results have laid a good foundation for the further development of the IP core library. Keywords : the VC-1 video standard; pression; DCT transform; soft IP; Thesis : Application Research 目录 目录 1 绪论.......................................................................