标题:《一个小时的故事》中的反讽手法的运用 The Use Of Irony in The Story of An Hour A1111 27 雷自婷 Abstract As we all know,irony is not just a figure of speech,but also a form of writing style in can fully express the theme of a story while bring people paper is to analysis the use of irony in The Story of An novel is written by Kate Chopin who is a famous female writer in United State in 19 novel is one of the most popular novels among all her this story,Kate Chopin’s usage of irony let readers prehend the plot,feeling of characters and the theme of the ,irony is a main and important rhetoric mean in this this paper,I will divide it into four first is to make a brief introduction to second part is to introduce the author-Kate Chopin and her works and the third part is the usage of irony in The Story of An ,I will write my feeling to the use of irony. Keywords: irony The Story of An Hour Kate Chopin The brief introduction of irony . The definitions of irony The word “irony”derived from the Greek word which means “dissembler in speech”,or”dissimulation”.Irony is a figure of speech in which intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense. . The explanations of irony As irony is the replacement of an expression that is meant by its opposite,words