中图分类号 R 735. 1; R730. 53 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1005-8664( 2011) 01-0058-03 C lin ical study of thalidom ide p lus PF regim en in th e treatm en t of advanced esophagea l cancers ZH AN G J ing-w ei, D UAN D ong-m ei, REN Zhong-hai ( D epartment o f Onco logy, Cen tra lH osp ital o fN anyang, H enan 473009, Ch ina)
Abstract O b jec tive T o observe the therapeutic effec ts and adverse effec t o f thalidom - b ined w ith PF reg im en in treatment o f advanced esophagea l cancers. M e thods A tota l of 52 pa tien ts w ith advanced esophagea l cance rs entered th is T he patients w ere random ly div ided into tria l g roup and con- trol group. Tw enty-s ix cases of tr