本科毕业论文 英国的民族个性 ——高贵与务实在饮食中的表现 学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206061 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科4班 指导教师: 二〇〇七年五月 British National Character —Nobility and Pragmatism Reveal in Food and Drink LiuJing Under the Supervision of Chenshunjiang School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Panzhihua University March 2007 Contents Abstract……………………………………………………………………………....I Key Words…………...……………………………………………………………….I 摘要…...………………………………………………………………………………II 关键词….…………………………………………………………………………………………II Introduction………………………………………………………………….………1 I. Nobility and Pragmatism in British National Character…………………………….2 II. Nobility in British Drink—Afternoon Tea….……………………………………...3 A. Nobility in the Origination and Development of Afternoon Tea…………….....3 B. Nobility in the Etiquette of Afternoon Tea……………………………………6 III. Pragmatism in British Food and British’s Food Conception….………........7 A. Pragmatism in Food Materials and Cooking Methods…………………………7 B. Pragmatism in British’s Food Conception………………………….................10 IV. The Significance of Nobility and Pragmatism in British Food and Drink……….11 Conclusion…................................................................................................................13 Acknowledgements…..................................................................................................14 Bibliography….............................................................................................................15 Abstract In British national Character, there are two distinctive aspects: nobility and pragmatism. British’s nobility and pragmatism is not acquitting themselves well in all aspect of social life, but also show themselves in the British food and drink. Britain has a long food and drink culture. In the long development, British food and drink forms its own system and e an important part in the world. The character of nobility and pragmatism show themselves in many British foods and drink. The afternoon te