Amy Foster 原文及译文
译文标题(原文)Amy Foster
Kennedy is a country doctor, and lives in 肯尼迪是一名乡村医生,居住在东湾之滨的
Colebrook, on the shores of Eastbay. The high 小镇科尔布鲁克。小镇一排排红色屋顶的后
ground rising abruptly behind the red roofs of
the little town crowds the quaint High Street
against the wall which defends it from the sea. 紧贴着海堤,避免遭受海水的侵袭。在海堤
Beyond the sea-wall there curves for miles in a 的那一边,是一片广阔匀称、光秃秃的海滩,
vast and regular sweep the barren beach of 上面布满鹅卵石,弯弯曲曲绵延数英里。夜
shingle, with the village of Brenzett standing
out darkly across the water, a spire in a clump
of trees; and still further out the perpendicular 眼,犹如树丛中冒出的尖塔;陆地的尽头,
column of a lighthouse, looking in the distance 那垂直的灯塔远远望去比铅笔还细。布伦泽
no bigger than a lead pencil, marks the 特后面的地势较低且平坦,但整个海湾却风
vanishing-point of the land. The country at the
back of Brenzett is low and flat, but the bay is
fairly well sheltered from the seas, and 候会看到正北方 英里处停泊着因逆风或
occasionally a big ship, windbound or through 恶劣天气不能出航的大船。附近小土丘上有
stress of weather, makes use of the anchoring 一架废弃的风车,耷拉着破损的叶片,比垃
ground a mile and a half due north from you as
you stand at the back door of the "Ship Inn" in
Brenzett. A dilapidated windmill near by lifting 南半英里处,一座驾船者熟知的圆形石造碉
its shattered arms from a mound no loftier than 堡耸立在海边。在英国海军部的航海图上,
a rubbish heap, and a Martello tower squatting
at the water's edge half a mile to the south of
the Coastguard cottages, are familiar to the
skippers of small craft. These are the official 样,同时也是这一片可靠的海滩尽头的官方
seamarks for the patch of trustworthy bottom 航线标识。
represented on the Admiralty charts by an
irregular oval of dots enclosing several figures
six, with a tiny anchor engraved among them,
and the legend "mud and shells" over all.
The brow of the upland overtops the square 高地的顶坡高耸于科尔布鲁克教堂的方塔之
tower o
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