知识流动对高技术产业技术创新能力的影 响研究# 曾德明,李宝霞,禹献云,刘惠琴* 5 10 (湖南大学工商管理学院,长沙 410082) 摘要:将知识流动方式划分为科技合作、外商直接投资、技术转移、人员流动,并分别简要 分析其对高技术产业技术创新能力的影响机理。以 2000-2008 年我国高技术产业的 14 个行 业为样本实证研究了知识流动对高技术产业技术创新能力的影响。研究发现:知识流动对高 技术产业技术创新能力具有正向影响;不同知识流动方式对高技术产业技术创新能力的影响 不同,其中外商直接投资及人员流动对高技术产业技术创新能力具有显著正向的影响;科技 合作对高技术产业技术创新能力具有较显著正向的影响;而技术转移对高技术产业技术创新 能力具有不显著正向影响。最后针对实证结果提出加强知识流动的政策建议。 关键词:企业管理;知识流动;高技术产业;技术创新能力;实证研究 中图分类号:F270 15 Effect of Knowledge flow to Technical Innovation Capability in High-Tech Industry ZENG Deming, LI Baoxia, YU Xianyun, LIU Huiqin (Business Administration School, Hunan University, ChangSha 410082) 20 25 30 35 40 Abstract: We think the way of Knowledge flow include science and technology cooperation, fdi,technology transfer, staff mobility. Then briefly analyzes the influence mechanism to the high technology industry technology innovation ability respectively. In 2000-2008 years with the 14 high-tech industry, We analyzes the influence which knowledge flow effects high-tech industry technical innovation ability in empirical found that knowledge flow on the high technology industry technology innovation ability has the positive influence on; Different knowledge flow mode have different effects on high technology industry technology innovation ability, including fdi and staff mobility has significantly positive influence; Science