毕业设计(论文) 题目论通货膨胀的危害与治理对策 姓名 学号 所在学院金融系 专业班级金融辅修 指导教师 日期年5月25日 论通货膨胀的危害与治理对策 摘要 通货膨胀是衡量宏观经济运行是否稳定和健康的重要指标,因此宏观政策的制定者往往都密切关注通货膨胀率的高低,通货膨胀率的决定也便成为宏观经济学关注的焦点问题之一。由于我国的经济发展既处于经济起飞的初始阶段,同时又处于体制变革的转轨时期,诸多因素的变化相互交织,使我国的通货膨胀问题显得更为复杂。客观透彻分析我国通货膨胀形成原因对于保持我国经济稳定、健康发展具有较强的现实意义。 文章第二章概述了通货膨胀的基本理论:包括通货膨胀的定义和其成因的基础理论;第三章回顾了我国的通货膨胀,并详细分析了我国本轮通货膨胀的特点与成因;第四章分层次的分析了通货膨胀对我国国民经济与民生两方面的影响;通过前面几章的分析,笔者在第五章分别从调节投资、流动性过剩、货币政策和财政政策的协调配合三个方面提出解决通货膨胀问题的政策建议。 关键词:通货膨胀调节投资财政政策 Discussion on The Hazards And The Control Measures Of Inflation Abstract Inflation is an important index which weighs stabilization and healthiness of the macro- macro policy constitutors nearly pay attention to the condition of the the inflation rate es one of the focuses of macro-economy. Inflation of our country plex under the influence of interlaced factors at the stage of economy developing and system the reason of inflation objectively and intensively has realistic meaning for the stable development of the economy. The second chapter summarizes the basic theory of inflation: including the definition of inflation and the basic theory of its cause; The third chapter reviews our country’s inflation and the feature and cause of it in detail; The fourth chapter analysis the influence of inflation on our country’s economy and people’s livelihood respectively; Via analysis of the previous chapters, the writer propose the solution to solve the problem of inflation in chapter five through the following three aspects: regulate investment, excess liquidity, cooperate of financial and ary policies.