I 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Beginning with the concept planning of Guangzhou City in 2000 concept planning has expanded to many big and medium cities of our country within five years and achieved gratifying performance It has fully proved that concept planning has great vitality in the field of urban planning in our country According to the practical experience of concept planning the writer thinks that concept planning can be used in the levels of both urban master planning and urban master landscape Therefore in this paper there is a preliminary study on the method of urban master landscape concept planning in order to expand both extension and connotation of concept planning Taking urban master landscape as the research object this paper is consist of six chapters Chapter one introduction Expound the research background purpose contents procedure approach and definition of the relevant concept of the thesis Chapter two document review and proposition of the urban master landscape concept panning Through reviewing the documents of both home and abroad on urban landscape planning and urban planning establish the basic theory and approaches of this research Chapter three the extraction method of urban master la