The amplication of clisdamycin induction test in clinical microbiology susceptiability laboratories
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the resistance of erthromycin and clidamycin in Gram-positive us and help to reasonably use clindamycin. Methods Use of MIC to detect 578 isolates randomly collected from January to September in our hospital, double antimicrobial agents detect the clidamycin induce Co-resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin accounted for ???n us aureus,coagulase-negative us and beta-hemolylic the 129 eryRcliS isolates,the rate of inducible resistance to clindamycin (D-test positive) was ??? all the eryScliS isolates,clisdamycin induce test are The detection of inducible clindamycin resistance must be stressed in clinical microbiology laboratory to provide good support for rational antibiotic therapy.