parative Study of the Heroines in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre from a Perspective of Feminism ABSTRACT Both Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are remarkable and prominent women writers in the history of English literature. Their representative works — Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre — have been enjoying great popularity ever since their publication. By analyzing the two heroines — Elizabeth and Jane Eyre from the perspective of feminism, the thesis is an attempt to find what they have mon and what revelation they have to the contemporary women . The body of the thesis consists of three chapters, besides Introduction and Conclusion. Chapter One is mainly about the lives of the two women writers, Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. Chapter Two introduces briefly the stories in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre. Chapter Three gives parative study of the two heroines in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre based on feminism.
Key Words: independence, freedom, equality, feminism 从女权主义的角度比较 《傲慢与偏见》和《简·爱》中的女主人公 摘要 作为十九世纪英国两位杰出的女作家,简·奥斯汀和夏洛蒂·勃朗特各自的代表作《傲慢与偏见》和《简·爱》自出版以来深受广大读者的欢迎和文学评论者的广泛关注。论文从女权主义的角度分析了两部作品中的女主人公——伊丽莎白·班纳特和简·爱,旨在从她们身上找到一些对当地女性有所启示的共同点。 论文除引言和结论外,正文共分三章。引言主要介绍女性主义及其研究方法,以及论文的写作目的。第一章介绍了简·奥斯汀和夏洛蒂·勃朗特这两位女作家的生平。第二章主要介绍了《傲慢与偏见》和《简·爱》两部小说的故事梗概。第三章从女性主义的视角对两部作品中的两个女主角进行了比较分析,并提出了自己的见解。 关键词:独立自由平等女权主义 CONTENTS Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Two Female Writers’ Lives--------------------------------------------2 Jane Austen------------------------------------------------------------2 Charlotte Brontë------------------------------------------------------4 2 Stories in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre----------------------6 Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen’s Own Shadow----------6 Jane Eyre and Charlotte Brontë-----------------