The R&S?FSQ signal analyzer provides the high dynamic range needed to accurately measure the ON/OFF power of your transmitter in accordance with 3GPP TS . Test the ON/OFF power of your TD-LTE base station Test &Measurement Application Card | Test the ON/OFF power of your TD-LTE base station Maximum timing accuracy with R&S?FSQ-K104 Your task TDD-munications systems divide the time do - main into transmission and reception periods. Transition between both has to be very fast in order to efficiently use the resources in the time domain. Verifying these ON and OFF power levels of a base trans - ceiver station during design demands measurement instru - ments with high dynamic ranges. TD-LTE base stations need to pass two transmit ON/OFF power tests defined in chapter of the 3GPP TS technical specification: Transmitter OFF power The purpose of the transmitter OFF power test in chapter is to verify that the output power of the base station does not exceed the specified limit during the OFF period of the signal. Transmitter transient period The purpose of the transmitter transient period test in chapter is to verify that the time period during which the transmitter is changing from ON to OFF, or vice versa, is short enough to prevent interference with adjacent timeslots. According to the specification, both tests are to be per - fo