地域文化主题公园的景观设计——以“黄粱梦主题公园”为例英文摘要 Geographical and cultural theme park landscape design mPipedream dream theme park as an example Abstract Geographical and culturaltheme park is not only asimple one green cityand tourist attractions,it alsoshoulder theimportantsignificance oftheheritage ofthe urban context. Geographical and culturaltheme park hasitsown unique history,culture andspirit ofthe times theperformance ofdifferent history ofthecity’Sunique andhighly territorialand cultural connotation of aspecific product expression in thethemeparklandscapedesign mentioned heremainly forlandscape ideas andpractices explore new design techniques andexplore new design concepts in acolorfuldesign style anddesigntechniques,and actively looking for design inspiration fiom theunique history and culture ofthecity. Regional culturaltheme park ofthe related concept defined andproposed aregional cultural theme park’Slandscape expression strategy,the fmalactualproject eipedream dream theme parklandscapedesign asanexample of the study,culture theme park landscape designmethods ofproof,is acombination oftheory andpractice research tosort outthe cultural expression of atheme park landscape design ideas,analyze theimpact of the various factors ofthelandscape development ofthetheme park,to ascertain the evolution trajectory ofthetheme park itself,summarizes thedevelopment experience and lessons learned inorder toexplore adevelopment path suitedto China's nationalconditions and sentimentsof theculturalthemepark. Key Words:Geographical and cultural theme park Cultural connotations LandscapeDesign Culturalexpression Written byZuoyuan Supervised by Chen hong wei 目录绪论????????????????????????????????????????????????????。1 ??????????????????????????????l ?????????????????????..2 ????????????????????????2 ????????????????????????~3 ??????????????????????。4 一、地域文化主题公园的相关概念???????