孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染后慢性咳嗽的疗效及对尿白三烯的影响 【摘要】 目的:?^察探讨孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染后慢性咳嗽的临床效果及对尿白三烯的影响。方法:选取2015年8月-2017年8月本院收治的110例小儿肺炎支原体感染后持续性咳嗽的患儿,按照随机数字表法将其分为观察组和对照组,各55例。对照组采用阿奇霉素干混悬剂治疗,观察组在对照组基础上加用孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片治疗,观察比较两组患儿治疗4周后的临床效果、免疫指标及尿白三烯的变化。结果:%,%,差异有统计学意义(字2=,)。结论:孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染后慢性咳嗽的临床效果显著,可以明显降低气道高反应及炎症反应,调节免疫系统,缩短病程,不良反应少,值得临床合理推广应用。 【关键词】 孟鲁司特钠咀嚼片; 阿奇霉素; 小儿肺炎支原体感染; 慢性咳嗽; 尿白三烯 Effect of Montelukast Sodium Chewable Tablets on Chronic Cough after Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection in Children and Its Effect on Urinary Leukotriene/HUANG Di’er,HUANG Haichuan.//Medical Innovation of China,2018,15(17):00-010 【Abstract】 Objective:To observe and analyse the clinical effect of Montelukast Sodium Chewable Tablets on chronic cough in children with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and its effect on urinary :110 children with persistent cough with mycoplasma pneumonia from August 2015 to August 2017 in our hospital were selected,according to the random number table method,they were divided into observation group and control group,55 cases in each control group was treated with Azithromycin for Suspension,and the observation group was treated with Montelukast Sodium Chewable Tablets on the basis of the control clinical effect,immune index and urinary leukotriene were observed and compared between t