Analyze the classical humorous dialogue of the movie《 if you are the one》 from the perspective of linguistics Abstract If You Are The One,a newly produced New Year blockbuster by the famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang,is full of humor,topics of general interest,people’s attitudes towards their lives and games in adults’ world. The conversations among the actors and the actress in this film are especially preferred by the audience because they are so relaxing and humorous. Therefore, the audience calls these conversations Feng’s Humor article analyses the typically humorous conversations in this film from the perspective of the CP maxims ananlysis, the speaker can successfully produce unexpected humorous effects by flouting(not observing maxims of the CP consciously)the cooperative principle(the CP). Keywords:<if you are the one>;humorous language;pragmatics;mechanism;language style; flout;the cooperative principle
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① 张英,李邑兰: 《冯小刚自述:相声+小品+广告=非诚勿扰》,《南方周末》.2009-01-04。 一、 幽默语言的语用机制 在电影《非诚勿扰》中秦奋以一小有钱财的成功男面目征婚,在与“断背男”、“未婚妈妈”、“性冷淡女”等形形色色的应征者见面的过程中,展示着对时下各种社会热点问题的理解与看法,语言表达形式多样,时尚元素集结,冯氏语言依然是影片的调味品、开心果。是吸引观众注意力的可靠保证。其中经典言语层出,脍炙人口又彰显了人物个性。从这一点上看,可以这样说电影《非诚勿扰》中的幽默语言是冯氏语言的再次成功展现。我们从语用的角度分析,这些冯氏语言的幽默效果构成机制,可以让我们更加明了冯氏语言的功力所在。 对《非诚勿扰》中的经典台词进行语用构成机制的分析,冯小刚导演主要使