伊贝沙坦对高血压病患者血浆胰岛素水平的影响重点.doc伊贝沙坦对高血压病患者血浆胰岛素水平的影响 【关键词】 伊贝沙 【摘要】 目的 观察伊贝沙坦对高血压病(EH患者胰岛素敏感性的影响。方法 42例高血压病患者根据血压高低分别给予伊贝沙坦 150〜300mg 口服每天1次。治疗前及治疗 8周后,分别测定空腹血浆血糖( FPG及空腹血浆胰岛素(FPI),计算胰岛素敏感指数 (ISI ),并与40例性别、年龄、体重指数相同的健康者比较。结果 两组FPG均正常,差异无 显著性;EH组治疗前FPI显著升高( ),ISI显著下降( )。伊贝沙坦治疗 8周 后,FPI显著下降( ),ISI显著增高( )。结论 高血压病患者存在高胰岛素血 症,伊贝沙坦在稳定降压的同时能不同程度地改善高胰岛素血症。 关键词伊贝沙坦高血压病胰岛素 The effect of Aprovel on the plasma in suli n level in the patie nts with hyperte nsion Yu Zeqi , Su Weiqing , Li Shuyu , et al. The People ' s Hos pital of Lianjiang , Guangdong524400. 【Abstract 】 Objective To study the effect of Aprovel on the insulin sen sitivity in patie nts with hyperte nsion. Methods 42patie nts were give n150 〜300mg once a day accord ing their blood fasti ng plasma glucose ( FPG and fasting plasma insulin ( FPI) were measured , and calculated the insulin sensitive index (ISI ) before and8weeks after results were compared with40health people who had the similar sex , age and weight The FPG of two groups was no rmal and without sig nifica nt differe FPI was in creased ( P< ) and ISI was decreased ( P< ) markedly before therapy in the hypertensive FPI was decrased ( P< ) and ISI was inereased ( P< ) markedly after therapy of on clusio n The hyperte nsive patie nts have hyperi nsuli can imp