制度名 长篇市场调查报告 电子文件编码 GLWA260 页码 15-1 Market Study in Synthetice-based Sports Shoes Ernest Hong Sales Representative Krypton Plastics 18 May 2000 签发人 责任人签名 制度名 长篇市场调查报告 电子文件编码 GLWA260 页码 15-2 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Abstract 2 Terms of Reference 2 I Findings ·Methodology 2 ·The sports shoe market 3 ·Sports shoes in synthetic materials 3 ·Trends in the use of synthetic materials 4 ·Potential of APC material in the sports shoe market Competition between APC products 5 II Conclusions 5 III mendations 6 Appendix: List of customers visited 7 Abstract This report investigates the potential of APC materials in the production and sale of sports shoes in the Hong Kong SAR. The report shows that currently the majority of Sports shoes manufactured in Hong Kong are made of PVC. However, we illustrate that APC has a number of a dvantages over PVC in terms of quality, durability and appearance. Although price is higher,in the period of economic stagnation which has hit Hong Kong, it may be advantageous to manufacturers to consider reducing prod uction and switching to APC. Terms of Reference The purpose of this report is to investigate the nature of th e market for 签发人 责任人签名 制度名 长篇市场调查报告 电子文件编码 GLWA260 页码 15-3 sports shoes manufactured in a range of natural and synthetic materials. It is also our aim to stimulate plastic raw material sales in the sports shoe market, and to seek potential customers within the sports shoe market who m ight be interested in using Krypton's newly developed APC raw material in the ma nufacture of their products.
I Findings Methodology
Before this market study could be undertaken, information about manufactu rers of sports shoes had to be collected. We derived a list of manufacturers by referring to the Yellow Pages and the list produced by the Hong Kong Council for the Development of Trade (HKCDT). These two sources, however, did not distinguish be between manuf