工程科学与技术 Advanced Engineering Sciences ISSN 2096-3246,CN 51-1773/TB 动俘能装置与单稳态线性俘能装置、无 单向离合器的单稳态俘能装置的发电电压进行对比,结果表明:引入双稳态屈曲梁的减速带俘能装置大幅度提 高了减速带振动能量的俘能效率,提升了近42%发电量;单向离合器的引入不仅实现了减速带上下两个方向的振 动能量俘获,而且保证了发电机轴的单向旋转,提升了近30%发电量。分别选取常见的4种车型和5种减速带类型 进行对比,结果表明:车辆越重,减速带振幅与受压激励越大,更有利于减速带振动能量的收集;增大减速带高度 有助于增大俘能装置输出的发电量,相反,增大减速带宽度使发电量减小。对比装有两种转动惯量飞轮的俘能装 置发电性能发现,装有小转动惯量飞轮的俘能装置输出电压大于装有大转动惯量飞轮的俘能装置输出电压。此 外,发电量随着负载阻值的增大呈现先增后减的趋势,1 Ω的负载电阻可使俘能装置产生最大的发电量;当增速 比小于40时,系统输出功率随增速比的增加增长较快,当增速比位于40到50时,输出功率增长缓慢。 关键词:减速带;双稳态;单向离合器;车辆;发电性能 中图分类号:O322 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-3246(2022)01-0001-08 Study on Generation Performance of a Bistable Speed Bump Vibration Energy Harvester WU Ziying,YAN Han,LI Yongyue,ZHAO Wei (Mechanical and Precision Instrument Eng., Xi’an Univ. of Technol., Xi 'an 710048, China) Abstract: A bistable speed bump vibration energy harvester is proposed by introducing the buckling beam and the one-way clutch. The occurring condition of bistable vibration of the buckling beam is obtained. The relationships between the equilibrium points and the depth of po- tential well and the structural parameters of buckling beam are derived from the nonlinear restoring force and potential energy mech- anical mod