基于DirectX的3D图形引擎的设计和实现II ABSTRACT With puter graphics is applied more and more widely in the CAD/CAM/CAE, virtual reality, 3D simulation and other fields, how to develop an efficient 3D application rapidly is paid more and more attention. 3D graphic engine is an effective approach to solve the efficiency of developing 3D applications. DirectX is an API developed by Microsoft for game. At present, most of the game engines on Windows use DirectX as API. Using DirectX in professional graphic fields is a new experiment. This paper presents the entire process of using the theoretical puter graphics and object-oriented method to design and implement the 3D graphic engine based on DirectX aimed at the development of CAD/CAM/CAE software. The main contents are list as follows: 1. The frequently used technologies and the functional division in the development of 3D graphic engine are researched and summarized. The research status and development of 3D graphic engine at home and abroad are discussed. 2. The relevant technical characteristics of OpenGL and DirectX are analyzed pared. The rendering flow of Direct3D and the development technologies of applications based on DirectX are studied with the rendering flow of puter graphics. Functional module, interface and the running flow of the graphic engine are designed. 3. Choosing device, creating window and handling message, setting camera and its interaction, light and material, immediate drawwing mode based on Direct3D, and etc key technologies are studied. Choose DirectX as the graphic API, design and implement a 3D graphic engine GE3D, and it has been applied in the developments of graphic application CAXBASE and visual plugins. It indicates that it can reach the demand of developing 3D graphic applications. Keywords: DirectX, 3D graphic engine, rendering, Direct3D, OpenGL 基于DirectX的3D图形引擎的设计和实现VI OpenGL工作的基本流程................................................................... 8 Direct3D的渲染流程...............