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医学研究生学报 2010年 4月第 23卷第 4期 J Med Postgra, Vol. 23, No. 4, Ap ril, 2010 · 401·
[摘要] 人类辅助生殖技术( assisted rep roductive technique, ART)已成为治疗不孕不育夫妇的常规手段。其迅猛发展对
揭示人类生命的奥秘指日可待。代孕技术是 ART的一项衍生技术,代孕母亲的社会地位、随之而来的商业化、地下化、子代的
法规等方面的问题。合理利用 ART技术和制定相应的法律法规是避免出现伦理和社会混乱的有效途径。
[关键词] 辅助生殖技术;代孕母亲;伦理学
[中图分类号] R715. 9 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008 8199 (2010) 04 0401 03
Surrogate pregnancy : Ethical considerations
L IANG Yuan jiao1 , YANG Guo bin2 , WU Yuan zhe1
(1. D epartm ent of O bstetrics and Gynecology; 2. D epartm ent of M edical A ffairs, N anjing General Hospital of N an
jing M m and, PLA, N anjing 210002, J iangsu, China)
[ Abstract ] A ssisted rep roductive technology (ART) has already e a usualmeans for the treatment of infertility. Its rap id
development p redicts that the disclosure of the mystery of human life is close at hand. Surrogate p regnancy, a technique derived from
ART, has set off a series of heat ethical disputes on its mercialization, underground deal, as well as the social status of the
surrogate mother and the abeyance of the offsp ring. Proper handling of these ethical and legal p roblem s could make the technique bene
fit the mankind to the utmost extent, while rational use ofART and establishment of corresponding laws are necessitated to
代孕技术的伦理学思考 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.