浙江大学高等教育自学考试 毕业论文(设计)说明书 浅议《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白与达西的婚姻 bination based on love and idealism results in a essful marriage -------The marriage of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in pride and prejudice 姓名陈海燕 专业英语语言文学 准考证号码 038100102245 指导教师俞建青 2006年 9 月 27 日 Contents Abstract 3 I. Introduction 4 Ⅱ. Jane Austen and her pride and prejudice 4 . About the author 4 . Social background 5 . Women’s position in Austen’s time 5 . Austen’s literary concern 5 of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy 5 of Elizabeth 6 Sensible 6 Lovely and Humor 7 Pride and prejudice 7 . Independence 7 Characters of Darcy 8 Pride 8 Integrity and Kindness 8 From a gentleman of Blood to a gentleman of sensibility 9 IV. Marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy 9 A essful marriage 10 Social factors 10 Social claims 10 V. Conclusion 11 Bibliography 11 Abstract Pride and prejudice has traditionally been interpreted as a work praising those women who fought for a happy marriage. This article analyses the marriage of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, two characters in Jane Austen’s pride and prejudice. It is analyzed from the two persons’ perspective characters, the social factors and the marriage influence on them. Though this analysis, the paper proves that the marriage of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth is base on love and similar interests. bination based on love and idealism results in a essful marriage. meanwhile, it expressed the viewpoints on marriage that money-oriented marriage and sex-oriented marriage are not essful although the people can live together. Key words: Marriage Love essful idealism Character
-----《傲慢与偏见》中两位主角伊丽沙白和达西的婚姻. 摘要 《傲慢与偏见》历来被认为是作者为讴歌女性追求幸福婚姻的不懈努力面作。这篇文章重在对奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》中两位主角伊丽沙白和达西他们各自的性格特征,以及当时的社会因素和这对婚姻的社会影响方面来具体分析。通过这些分析,用以证明他们的婚姻是建立在爱情和共同的性格的基础上,他们的婚姻是爱情与理想的成功结合。同时,也说明了建立在金钱和冲动的基础上的婚姻是不幸福的,虽然他们能生活在一起。 关键词:婚姻爱情成功理想性格 Ⅰ. Introduction The book “pride and preju