64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的最佳重建时相关 (作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 【摘要】目的:探讨不同HR 64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的最佳重建时相。方法:150例受检者分HR≤75、75~115和大于115次/min组;选择心动周期时相25%~90%,每间隔5%时相进行重建。结果:≤75次/min组的最佳时相为70%~75%,75~115次/min组的左、右冠状动脉最佳时相分别为35%~45%,50%~60%和80%~85%,大于>115次/min组的左、右冠状动脉最佳时相分别为35%~45%,80%~90%。结论:适当控制HR,选择最佳时相重建可明显减轻心脏运动伪影。 【关键词】冠状动脉 64层螺旋CT 心率重建时相 Optimal Reconstruction Phase of Coronary Artery Imaging with 64_slice Spiral [Abstract]Objective:To evaluate the optimal reconstruction phase of coronary artery imaging with 64_slice puter tomography. Methods:One hundred and fifty patients with suspected or diagnosed coronary artery disease were divided into three groups(HR≤75 ,75~115,115 beats per minute)underwent ECG_gated 64_slice spiral CT angiography. All the original images were reconstructed at 25%~90% of the cardiocycle,interval of 5%. Results:The optimal reconstruction phase of the left and right coronary artery in≤75 beats per minute group was 70%~75%. The optimal reconstruction phase of the left and right coronary artery in 75~115 beats per minute group was 35%~45%,50%~60% and 80%~85%,respectively. The optimal reconstruction phase of the left and right coronary artery in 115 beats per minute group was 35%~45% and 80%~90%. The best images of coronary angiography were obtained in 75 beats per minute group. Conclusion:Under controlling HR,the image reconstruction in the opti