城市规划原理(社会公平视角下的城市规划研究).docx: . ・课程论文 .课程名称 城市规划原理 -题目名称社会公平视角下的城市规划研究 -专 业 工程管理 - 年级班别 1001 •学 号 •学生姓名 •指导教师 • 2012年11月28日 社会公平视角下的城市规划研究 摘要:自改革开放,我国城市化迅速加快,城市经历了一轮又一轮的规划与建设, 而规划牵动着各方(政府、规划师、开发商、普通市民)的利益。社会公平成为 大规模城市规划和建设进程中必须正视的重要问题,从社会公平的角度看城市规 划中规划原则、规划过程和规划结果均存在诸多问题。应进一步强调城市规划的 社会属性、公平性,将规划重心转向对公共资源的公平配置和建立城市规划的社 会评价体系和保障体系,还要注重规划过程的开放性。 关键词:社会公平、城市规划 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A Urban Planning Research under the Perspective of Social Justice. Abstract: Since reform and opening-up, China's urbanization speed up quickly. The city experienced round and round of planning and construction, and planning affects the parties, including government, planner, developer, ordinary citizens. Social justice has become a important issues under the large-scale urban planning and construction process. From the perspective of social justice, Planning principle, the planning process and the planning results, there are many problems. So, the social attribute, fairness of urban planning should be further emphasized. Moreover, planning should focus on public resources to the fair allocation, establish social evaluation system and security system of the city planning, and notice the openness of the planning process. Keywords: Social Justice Urban Planning 城市规划是依据城市地位、城市经济现状和发展趋势、城市社会的基本特征 在一定时期一定地域内对土地利用、空间与时间的分布、美学、生态环境等一个 综合的、带有战略性的。它着重于确定城市的发