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英文题目:A Practice Report of Escort Interpreting of
Commercial Activities
学 院 外国语学院
专业学位类别 翻译硕士
专业学位领域 英语口译
研究生姓名 孙兴健 学号 **********
导 师 姓名 浦虹 职称 教授
2017 年 5 月 22 日
A Practice Report of Escort Interpreting of Commercial Activities
Sun Xingjian
Supervised By: Professor Pu Hong
Specialty: Master of Translation and Interpreting
Research Direction: English Interpreting
Submitted to
School of Foreign Language and Literature
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of
Translation and Interpreting
At Yunnan Normal University
May, 2017
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学位 文作 者签名 ^ 。
商业活动陪同口译实践报告 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.