至少在本文发布时,当前已发布VNX版本不支持使用Uni sphe re来配置Mirror View 来迁移CLARiiON的数据到VNX,我们必须使用naviseccli来创建connections, 而传统CX系列之间是不需要使用naviseccli的。 MirrorView在CX系列中需要端口号最高的那个FC port,在VNX则恰恰相反,使 用端口号最低的那个FC port。我猜测原因应该是最高的FC port已经分给FILE Data Mover 了。 创建 MV connections Supp or ted versions are: CX4 ser ies stor age systems running FLARE Release 29 or Release 30 CX3 se ries stor age systems running FLARE Release 26 AX4-5F stor age systems running version FLARE Release 23 CX se ries systems are NOT supp or ted with VNX. The in itial r elease of VNX OE Uni sphe re only allows 1 VNX system to be man aged at a time, and does not supp ort legacy systems. Mi rror View (both MV/S and MV/A) betwee n a VNX and CX4, CX3, AX4F-5 is supp or ted, but naviseccli must be used to establish the conn ecti ons. The followi ng shows how to cr eate and en able Mi rror View conn ecti ons betwee n two VNX arr ays or betwee n a VNX and a CX3 running Release 26 (latest patch level)/CX4 running Release 29/Release 30 /AX4 running Release 23.