Religious Faith 制作者:臧敏 演讲者:张燕 Contents The defination of religious faith 1 The introduction of the world's three main religions 2 The power of religious faith 3 The reason why we need religious faith 4 definition of religious faith Hot Tip Religious faith means that a believer worships the divine objects of his own religion,and this makes him belief in his religion nuswervingly and even put all his conversion to it. introduction of the world's three main religions The world‘s three main religions:Christianity、 Islam and Buddhism. The geographical distribution: Christianity Origion: Christianity is rooted in Judaism and founded by Jesus in the Palestinian territory in a mid-century in the break away from Judaism as an independent religion in 135 years. The three sects of Christianity: Orthodox Church (东正教) Catholicism (天主教) Protestantism (新教) Islam Islam was founded in the early seventh Century, the founder is Mohamed.