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1. Introduction
2. Problems
3. Theory andd AliAnalysis
4. solutions:.
Introduction::Kenneth Feinberg and Executive Compensation
Companied repaid the “exceptional
assistance” to escape his jurisdiction
Pay czar :Kenneth Feinberg
Status: PPay czar appoitdinted bby Obama
administrationHuman beings and human values are
not as easy to meld into methodology
Duty: Oversees companies that “received
exceptional financialfinancial assistanceassistance” from TARPTARP
Job: Setpay for the top 25 executives in those
companies & determine the pay structure for
emppyloyees ranked 26 to 100It is a touggh pproblem to deal with the
“offensive” contracts set before
Method: based on models and formulas
Principle: want executives’ individual
compensation toto bebe tiedtied toto thethe successsuccess ofof thethe
Introduction:Introduction ::Executive compensation cap
•Impose a cap of $500,000 for top executives at companies that
receive large amounts of bailout money
•Executives would also be prohibited from receiving any bonuses
above their base pay, except for normal stock dividends
February 3, 2009
A drafted regulation reportedly caps the salary of senior executives at no
more than 10‐12 times the average of regular SOE staff salaries.
The plan also limits the growth of executive pay to no faster than the
expansion rate of corporate profits.
March 2,2009
European governments were encouraged to follow the example of the
UnitedUnited StatesStates byby limitinglimiting executiveexecutive paypay atat companiescompanies receivingreceiving
government aid.
Some European banks are trying new ideas to retain or attract talents,
like deferringdeferring bonusesbonuses oror offeringoffering stockstock optionsoptions inin parentparent .
February 6, 2009:.
ProblemsIntroduction::Approveof the compensation cap
Lucian Bebchuk, Law
professor, Harvard
leo_hinderyleo_hindery:: ChairChair ofof university Sep,2009
Smart Globalization
•Regulation of pay can
Initiative Jul 1,2009
nicely complementcomplement thethe
VOX POPPOP•Those people saddled traditional regulation of
financial firms
us with a staggering
$2,800bn of trading and •It would help ensure that
61% of adults say the
creditlossesfinancial firmsfirms andand thethe
government should
regulate the level of pay economy don’t suffer in
and bonuses for executives •Excessive executive the future from the
of a company that receives excessive risk‐takingthat
compensation lies at the
government fundinghas contributed to the
root of all corporate
current financial crisis.
_Rasmussen Reports crimes and misbehavior
national telephone survey. :.
Introduction:Problems:Disapproveof the compensation cap
Josef Ackermann, Charles Elson, Professor
chief executive of of The University of
Obamalater pointed
DthDeutsche BkBank: same Delaware: Stock option
out the need for
concern with Obamawould push the executive
productive people to
be paid competitive compensation higher
Hit the enthusiasm
salaries andand bonusesbonuses, off executitives .
since they could leave
for brighter pastures.
Analysis:Introduction::We analyzethis problem from three angles.
2Some executives may do
something which can
1benefit the company in a
To comppetitors, theyy will short term,term, butbut forfor aa longlong
poach your best people with tem, it will hurt company.
a more attractive
To non‐executive employees,
compensation plan.
if their compensation is too
lower thanthan executivesexecutives’, they Long‐‐‐‐term
will feel it is unfair.
benefitsbenefits ofof
Competitors companycompany
Internal AlignmentExternal competitivenessCompany Strategy
Fairness VS MotivationIdiidlIndividual VS CCompany
We should both consider fairness and We should make personal gain and
motivation, making employees think it company’s long term benefits
is fair, and also can motivate :.
1Internal Alignment: Fairness
Executives Non‐executive employees
WhatWhat II dodo isis worthworth whatwhat SuchSuch aa largelarge incomeincome differencedifference
I get, it is fair enough. between executives and non‐
We can not give executive employees is unfair.
everybody samesame When design thethe
compensation, that’s compensation strategy,
must be considered.
The controversies around executive comppensation
can influence employees morale& performance within
a company.
We should make both the executives and non‐
executive employees satisfied when we design the
compensation strategy.
That means we should balance the fairness and
1Internal Alignment: Fairness
How do the controversies around executive compensation can influence employees
morale& performance within a company?
Satisfied Unsatisfie
WhenWhen Perspective of
Perspective of When
pay forfor executive executiveexecutive pay for Higgh
Low The
compensaticompensatiperformance is turnover
turnover performance is compensati
is low. onon isis .
Company Level Individual Level
Wh’hat’s thhe cullture off thhe company??Thhe personalility off thhe emplloyees
What’s the management style?The background of the employees
Is the compensation plan sound?The seniority of the employees:.
2External competitiveness:
“You give me more, then I work for you; other companies give
me more,, then I work for them!”
Except money, we should consider what
else can attract executives.
Alibaba’sculture attracted many people.
Considerate Policy
Especially for women
Is the executive just
Good relationship between colleges
attracted byby money?money?:.
3Company strategy: long term benefits
In order to satisfy individual gain, executives may do something meet the
short term needs of the company, but hurt the long‐term development.
Shares, options, and any other company benefit
The longer, the :.
Solutions:Introduction::Executive compensation package
Generally speaking, executive salary can be divided into four major parts: basic salary,
annual bonus, longg‐term incentive and welfare ppg(p)rogram(pensions).
Salary structure: executives of listed companies(United Actual
States, 2006)
variies among
bibasic sallaryincentives, 62%Long‐term incentivesincentives
11%optionsand annual bonus
18%make up the biggest
welfare program
part of total
and deferred paynon‐stock
Solutions:Introduction::Design executive compensation: performance based
Principal‐agent theory
••The principalprincipal isis hiring thethe agentagent toto pursuepursue
maximum future return of the stocks, while the
agent is probably pursuing high pay and more
•It is important to design an effective salary
plan that couldcould stimulatestimulate toto pursuepursue maximummaximum
the value of the firm (principal’s interest) on
his own behalf. –performance based
Compensationfor agentContentTo principal
Basic salaryFixedLittle interest
Annual bonusRelated to short –term performanceStrong interest
Long‐termincentivesRelated to stock price (long‐term)Mostinterest
WlfWelfareprogramRltilRelativelyfidfixedLittle iittnterest:.
Solutions:Introduction::Design annual bonus
Annual Bonus is given to executives when corporation performance meets or
exceeds the “goal of performance”.
To make sure that the short‐
term “goals of performance”
are consistent with long‐term
benefits of company, we can
use a balanced scorecard to
select aspects of measure.
•Financial performance
•Customer satisfaction
•Internal operations
•LiLearning andd itiinnovation
Financial performance is the
most ggeneral asppect to
measure; We should also
measure other aspects while
they are strategically import
tto ththe company :.
Solutions:Introduction::The measure of financial performance
By break down the value tree, we can select the most strategically important
indicators to measure financial performance.
Sample Example SHELL’s annual bonus
business unit Development,
performance, 20%
Return on
), 25%
flow, 25%
The performance is converse to
a score between 0 to 2.
Annual bonus=*basic salary
*Performance scorescore
Source: Mckinsey:.
Solutions:Introduction::Design of long‐term incentives
Long‐term incentives is the best way to stimulate executives to work for the benefits
of stockholders. Stockholders are most willing to pay in this way.
Concerns of incentive level
Two major forms of long‐term incentive
•When the proportion of short‐
Performance Stock UnitsStock optionsterm incentive is significantly lower
than that of long‐term
•Basedon relative TSR level •Relative TSR incentives, executives may pursue
(usually the rank of TSR in expected return and thus
the industry) •Long maturity take risky decisions.
•Sometimes areare •If tootoo muchmuch shortshort‐term
•Maybe given by cash.•Cannot sellincentives, executives may pursue
short‐term outcomes that may harm
•Stimulate executives to work for future stock long‐term company value
•Executive can benefit from the incentives in the
long run, thus can retain outstanding :.
Solutions:Introduction::Do executives deserve a fat compensation package?
Executives do deserve fat compensations, when “the well designed goals of
performance” are attained and “company’s relative performance in the industry” is
outstanding .
when the value of a company increases a lot or when the
Principal‐company performsperforms betterbetter thanthan competitors,competitors, givegive executivesexecutives
agent theoryhigh pay is reasonable. Due to asymmetric information, we can
hardly value how much executives worth.
Human Executives worth higher because they have higher value of their
Capital own human capital. They usually possesses skills or experience
theoryothers don’t have to help the company.
While marginal productivity of executives is hard to
calculate, using relative productivity instead to calculate
executive value.(Edd(Edward LLazearandd ShiSherwin RRosen, 1981)1981).
Besides, we think the existence of fat e
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