MEETING LUXEMBOURG JAZZ September 12 th 13 th 14 th 2014 MEETING L UXEMBOURG J AZZ September 12 ...
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读书之乐趣卢伯克爵士/文颜林海/译Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual. They contain ...
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在路上的爵士|爵士早岁居京,对被BG视为经典的在路上用过点心思(BG,Beat Generation,垮掉的一代)。听说,...
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Jazz Math by BILL ANSCHELL If x is the number of chord changes in a tune, ? and y is the tempo a ...
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+,-. 年* 月+. 日星期三!"#$%&()*+!"#,!$%&(-# 电话!"./0#1200()* 体育新闻责任编辑!陈晓明美编!朱彬!"60年...
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