密级:学校代码:10075 分类号:学号:20120670 翻译硕士学位论文2012 年《华尔街日报》财经类新闻汉译翻译实践报告学位申请人: 胡延路指导教师:牛云平 副教授张 娜 学位类别:翻译硕士学科专业:英语笔译 授予单位:河北大学答辩日期:二○一四年六月 Classified Index: COAD: 10075 NO:20120670 A Dissertation for the Degree of MTI A Practice Report on the Translation of Ten Financial News Reports of the Wal l Street Journal in 2012 Candidate: Hu Yanlu Supervisor: Associate Prof. Niu Yunping Zhang Na Academic Degree Applied for: MTI Specialty: English Translation University: Hebei UniversityData of Oral Examination: June, 2014 摘要I摘 要我国经济自改革开发以来获得了迅速的发展,更是于2010年正式超过日本成为仅次于美国的全球第二大经济体。随着中国经济的腾飞,财经类新闻重镇《华尔街日报》对中国的财经报道也日益频繁。本报告是在深入研读和翻译2012年9月至10月期间《华尔街日报》亚洲版中财经类新闻的基础上,进行的实践总结。笔者通过对《华尔街日报》亚洲版中金融市场栏目新闻报道的翻译实践,总结了报刊英语财经类新闻的特点和规律,以及如何运用不同的翻译原则和策略对财经类新闻进行高效翻译。希望能给广大译员和翻译研究者提供一定的参考和借鉴。本报告分为五章。第一章描述了本次翻译实践任务的来源、性质和特征。第二章介绍了本次翻译实践过程的各个阶段。第三章详细描述了译前准备阶段所需要做的诸多工作。第四章结合了具体翻译实践案例,分析和总结了如何运用不同的翻译原则和策略对财经类新闻进行高效翻译。第五章总结了本次翻译实践的经验和教训等。关键字:华尔街日报财经新闻翻译Abstract IIAbstract Since the reform and opening-up, China has been developing rapidly. In 2010 China surpassed Japan to e the world’s second largest economy after the United States. With China’s economic rise, the Wall Street Journal, one of the most importantnewspapers in the world, emphasizes on business and economic news. This report is based on the translation of 10 pieces of financial news in the Wall Street Journal, Asian edition in 2012. Based on the practice, the report summarizes and analyzes how to use proper translation principles and strategies to translate the financial news efficiently. This report posed of five chapters. The first chapter describes the source, properties and characteristics of the translation task. The second chapter presents three stages in the process of translation. The third chapter states a great deal of preparatory work needed to do in this translation task. The fourth chapter analyzes and summarizes how to use different translation principles and strategies to tran